ammar omanwho no body know

المشاركات الشائعة

الأحد، ٢٨ نوفمبر ٢٠١٠

omanwho no body know

Information from the caliber of the Sultanate of Oman

May surprise you

(Sultanate of Oman) Oman only the remainder of the sultanates of South Arabia, that number had reached one day
(13) Oman, stretching to the south of the current North Yemen, which is not, strictly speaking, an Arab country.

With three races are equal in rights (the Arabs, Baluchis, African Alzenjbarien) and other ethnicities as minorities.

Oman extends the term to the parties of Statistics and also includes the United Arab Emirates, parties from the coast of Tanzania; and Pakistan; of which was the first ambassador of the Arabs in America.

In 1390 and after the revolution of long against the Sultan Said bin Taimur, ended the revolution lowered the Sultan Qaboos of British plane in Muscat, and said to him (You are the Sultan) and the father of God succeed you must have had his father Said bin Taimur, a man shrewd and strong personality could be imposed on the Zayed deduction Buraimi Ras Musandam and Oman, which authorized the later accession to the Cooperation Council by virtue of it overlooking the Gulf from Ras Musandam hand.

The Sultan Qaboos in agreement with the British on how to run the country, especially to his family (Obazip) and adheres to rule the country and not allow any of the other sects in ruling the country, was that the Brits manage all Mnact the country's ministries and military leaders, and others, the Omanis were trained under them, even over twenty years on that British emergency management, and began to receive Omani positions themselves, with control of the British for everything under the name of the experts.

No constitution of government, and there is no Crown Prince, Sultan Qaboos himself and said he is not married, and the people closest to succeed him (Fahd Bin Mahmoud, President of the Royal Court).

Sultan Qaboos and works every day since he came to power, for a period (14-16 hours a day), and personally oversees all projects in Oman, large and small designs even government buildings, sidewalks and streets, until sugar due to stress injury.

It is important information, that Oman occupies the first Arab country in the lack of administrative corruption, and occupies in 2006 ranked sixth in the world of transparency.

Year two-thirds of Oman, and the other third, mostly Obazip, and a few Shiites, and Aeugdmufti for the year there, and their doctrine is not officially recognized, and deliberately Mufti of Oman current (Ahmad Al-Khalili) that violates the year in the Kingdom in dates of entry and end of Ramadaan, he is expected to declare the kingdom, then he should delay days days or provide a proactive, and not (Khalili) hostility is acceptable according to Ibn Taymiyyah doctrine.

To Atinci power in Oman Msagda for the year, but not given the salaries of the imams of mosques, which they create at their own expense, but does not accept the year to discuss the details of their beliefs through the media, religion is the official state is (Abazia), but in private, although the Sultan Qaboos is pursuing the most likely approach the laity, as a result of the British administration for his country, but he can not escape the dedication to pursue Abazia as the official religion.

Oman's government pursues a cautious approach with the surrounding Sunni governments, for fear of their support for a Sunni uprising in their country, after years of persecution for years, even (subjected them).

Amman was built during the past four decades building a successful, and cities have excellent organization, and provide the highest possibilities, and people become peaceful and gentle, and the country is open to all educational activities of foreign and apply the law closer to the Penal Code, the British, with no right for a brother to complain about any man finds with his sister, put in place, but only the father the right to complain.

The nature of the doctrine Alobazi in Amman

- Doctrine also exists in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Pakistan

- Alobazien outsiders, deny the sin.

- They have a belief that the Koran is not the word of God, but is the word of a creature on the lips of the Prophet peace be upon him, also did not believe proof of the names and attributes of Allaah, and take the metaphor in the Koran more than the truth.

- Believe that true worship is a marriage and seeking knowledge and work, and the pillars of Islam are complementary only to the rites of Islam.

- They have the principle of taqiyya (such as the Shiites) in some of the principles.

- To Aiatamdoon the Sunnah as we know from the books of Saheeh, but to have correctly called correctly (Spring), which is unknown grounds, and his speeches strange, and it can never be any Obazi that identifies you is the spring, is like the Mahdi Shia, Unknown, (Book of the strength and Toarzh and salvation).

- We are infidels in their eyes, because we believe the possibility of seeing God, and because we show the names and qualities of God Almighty, and therefore see no validity of prayer with us or behind us, and prayed as well, then it is only precautionary.

- Different links in the molecules, such as Viqamthm ears and can not be saying Amen aloud, and I join hands during the prayer, and handed over only one, followed by a prayer of many collective prayers.
If at all publics did not know the details of doctrine, if I told someone your scientists say the Koran is not the word of God, told you to seek refuge in God .. How is this.

Oman economic and political system
Oman foreign policy fully connected with Britain, they can not, join the unity of Gulf currency, was announced this early, because they actually bound for monetary union with Britain.
Has a commercial office with Israel, did not oppose the Camp David at the time.
Joined the Council of cooperation, but it is not effective because of the restriction policies, and always has custody of the integrated projects, and accept, forcing the majority.
Is not an organization to OPEC, and sells its oil heavy, extracted from the mountains, and the cost is high, sell them on the black market, and when threatening Iran close the strait, the Amman says (Ameyeeyen), although it is an Arab country which is supervised by, the fact that oil trade will flourish in the face of rising prices Gulf oil.
To have strategic relations with Iran and distinctive, and investments in Iran, Oman tens of billions.
In short, Oman Arab brother, gives back to his brothers in the Arabian Peninsula, and opens its arms to the Asians, and the British, a member of the Organization of the countries bordering the Indian Ocean, and a member of ASEAN, and with close ties to India, Malaysia, China, and the rest of Asian countries.
Everybody knows Malhnod Indians in Oman, the Indians are not there we have the Indians, they were aristocrats, riding Lexus and Mercedes, and run companies.
Other information about the centrality of Qaboos

Secretary of State: Sultan Qaboos
Interior Minister: Sultan Qaboos
Defense Minister: Sultan Qaboos
Finance Minister: Sultan Qaboos
And assume management of those ministries and ministers of state only (ie, executive director only)

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. معلومات من العيار الثقيل عن سلطنة عمان

    قد تفاجئك

    (سلطنة عمان) السلطنة الوحيدة المتبقية من سلطنات الجنوب العربي، وقد بلغ عددها يوماً ما
    (13) سلطنة، تمتد إلى جنوب اليمن الشمالي الحالي، وهي ليست بلد عربي بالمعنى المعروف.

    فيها ثلاث اعراق تتساوى في الحقوق (العرب، البلوش، الأفارقة الزنجباريين) وعرقيات أخرى كأقليات.

    كان مصطلح عمان يمتد إلى أطراف الإحساء ويضم أيضاً الأمارات العربية وأطرافاً من سواحل تنزانيا؛ والباكستان؛ وكان منها أول سفير في أمريكا من العرب.

    في عام 1390 وبعد ثورة طويلة ضد السلطان سعيد بن تيمور، انتهت الثورة بإنزال قابوس من طائرة بريطانية في مسقط، وقالوا له (أنت السلطان) وأبوك الله يخلف عليك وقد كان أبوه سعيد بن تيمور، رجلاً داهية وقوي الشخصية استطاع أن يفرض على زايد استقطاع البريمي ورأس مسندم الذي خول عمان الانضمام فيما بعد إلى مجلس التعاون بحكم أنها تطل على الخليج من جهة رأس مسندم.

    قام قابوس بالاتفاق مع البريطانيين على كيفية أدارة البلاد، خصوصاً أن عائلته (أباظية) وتتمسك بحكم البلاد وعدم إتاحة المجال لأيا من المذاهب الأخرى في حكم البلاد، فكان أن تولى البريطانيون أدارة كل مناشط البلد من وزارات وقيادات عسكرية، وغيرها، والعمانيون كانوا متدربين تحتهم، حتى مر عشرون عاماً على تلك الإدارة الطارئة البريطانية، وبدأ العمانيون في تسلم المناصب بأنفسهم، مع مراقبة البريطانيين لكل شيء تحت مسمى الخبراء.

    لا يوجد دستور للحكم، ولا يوجد ولي عهد، وقابوس نفسه يقال أنه غير متزوج، وأقرب الناس لخلافته (فهد بن محمود، ورئيس الديوان السلطاني).

    وقابوس يعمل يومياً منذ أن تولى السلطة، لمدة (14 - 16 ساعة يوميا)، ويشرف بنفسه على جميع المشاريع في عمان كبيرها وصغيرها حتى تصاميم المباني الحكومية، والأرصفة والشوارع، حتى أصابه السكر جراء الإرهاق.

    ومن المعلومات المهمة، أن عمان تحتل البلد الأول عربياً في قلة الفساد الإداري، وتحتل في عام 2006م المرتبة السادسة عالمياً في الشفافية .

    السنة ثلثي الشعب العماني، والثلث الآخر معظمهم أباظية، والقليل شيعة، ولايوجدمفتي للسنة هناك، ومذهبهم غير معترف به رسمياً، ويتعمد المفتي العماني الحالي (أحمد الخليلي) أن يخالف السنة في المملكة في تواريخ دخول رمضان وخروجه، فهو ينتظر حتى تعلن المملكة، فيؤخر يوما أو يقدم يوما أستباقياً، ويكن (الخليلي) عداء غير مقبول لأبن تيمية تبعاً لمذهبه.

    لاتنشئ السلطة في عمان مساجداً للسنة، ولاتعطي رواتب لأئمة مساجدهم التي ينشئونها على حسابهم، ولايقبل من السنة أن يناقشوا تفاصيل مذهبهم عبر وسائل الإعلام، فالدين الرسمي للدولة هو (الأباظية)، ولكن بشكل غير معلن، ورغم أن قابوس ينتهج على الأرجح، المنهج العلماني، نتيجة الإدارة البريطانية لبلاده، ألا أنه لا يستطيع الفكاك من تكريس انتهاج الأباظية كدين رسمي.

    تنتهج الحكومة العمانية أسلوب التعامل الحذر مع الحكومات السنية المحيطة بها، خوفاً من دعمها لأنتفاضة سنية في بلادهم، بعد سنوات من الاضطهاد للسنة، حتى (أخضعوهم).
